Add supporting KiCAD v6+
Vasil Mochan
After the sixth version of KiCAD was released, many platforms with KiCAD component libraries started supporting all version 6 files, so actually components from their libraries cannot be added to Flux.
It would be great if Flux had support for version 6 of KiCAD, it would make it possible to import components/files from ultralibrarian without problems
Juanjo García
I've found a temporary solution for integrating symbols from my KiCad 6 projects. If you're looking for a quick way to convert .kicad_sym files to .lib files, check out the link below!
I hope this helps you out while we await a more definitive solution for integrating libraries in .kicad_sym format!
Riley Porter
Can confirm that exporting a kicad project in flux and opening in Kicad 7 is broke AF :)
Merged in a post:
Import support for KiCAD V6 parts
Add support for KiCAD v6 parts in the importer. Most users have been using KiCAD v6 for a while and have their libraries in this format.