Add STEP exporter
Can't wait for this feature, it would be a huge advantage !
Exporting designs to STEP files is a absolute non-negotiable must have.
Timothy (timothyb)
seconding this request- is there any roadmap or ETA towards the STEP export feature?
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Add STEP and OBJ File Export Option
Harun Abd
As a mechanical engineer who designs both circuits and CAD designs, I often need to create 3D shapes for various utilities. Currently, the platform only allows for STL file exports. I believe adding a STEP and OBJ file export option would greatly enhance the utility of the platform, especially for non-electrical graduates like myself who use Flux AI to create circuits.
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
3D Model Export for Autodesk Fusion
I encountered issues when trying to export my 3D model to design an enclosure on Autodesk Fusion using Flux. The STL and DAE exports ended with unrecoverable issues. It would be helpful if Flux could introduce a feature that allows users to export their 3D models in a format compatible with Autodesk Fusion.
This is on the roadmap
In the meantime you can use third party tools to convert from stl or dae to step though
Michael Ilewicz
Matthias: I haven't found a good tool yet, could you point me to one?