I Lost My Project!!
Nicholas Tjoe
Any help please? :(
Bryan Hoyt
Nicholas Tjoe: really sorry about this frustrating issue! We're looking into it. We've recently started making some fixes to version history restoration, and we can hopefully use that to restore to a previous valid version of this document. However, it might be a day or so while we figure out what's possible. We'll keep you updated here.
Nicholas Tjoe
Bryan Hoyt Hi there! Thanks for your response, it makes me feel a lot better. Sorry for the rush, just that its an important design for my report.
Could I perhaps gain some clarity on what happened? Did I do something wrong to have caused this?
Bryan Hoyt
Nicholas Tjoe: Ok, I have restored a copy of this project for you in the state it was in at 26 July here https://www.flux.ai/cheapychicky/h-bridge-motor-driver-restored?editor=pcb_2d
Hopefully that helps!
In terms of what happened here, unfortunately we haven't been able to figure it out yet. It was more likely a bug than something you did wrong, but if anything similar happens to you again and you can remember the details, it'd be really helpful to us if you were able to tell us the sequence of steps leading up to it. Which I know is a big ask when you're in the zone! But everything helps.
Nicholas Tjoe
Bryan Hoyt Hey, thanks for doing your best to restore it. I will be sure to keep an eye out for details in case this happens again. I really appreciate the hardwork you and the support you put in!
Nicholas Tjoe
I have invited the support team to be able to edit the project