Gerber export caused a short
Michael van Niekerk
Gerber that was exported included a short.
Gerber project files here
Gretel Bot
Hi Michael
We are really sorry that this happened to you. I understand that from your recent discussions with Nico, you guys were able to uncover the root cause of the issue and also discussed how the new and improved DRC could've helped catch the short before sending the boards for manufacturing.
We appreciate you for reporting this issue and for your patience as we work on making Flux even better.
I'll proceed to close this ticket, however, If there’s anything else we can do or if you'd like further support, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Thank you!
Michael van Niekerk
Note. These gerbers were exported 8/9 weeks ago.
I've re-exported the gerbers, and checked with PCBWay's online tool if the short still is there.
It seems it is, albeit much less so than that previous export